Wednesday, July 23, 2008

2008 Sexiest Occultist Alive: Submit Your Nominations By July 25

2006's winner, Charles Fort

The victors will be officially announced on Monday.

We will be selecting one winner from each gender, which could potentially leave us with up to five different winners! Whew!

Each winner will receive a nifty badge for their blog signifying them as 2008's Sexiest Occultist Alive* OR a coupon towards a discounted oil change OR (if dead) a special libation at the gravesite of their choice.

Note to late-coming entrants: Remember the well-worn Internet maxim, "Pics or it didn't happen." Since Dr. Dee's shewstone is still being held hostage by the grabby British Museum, The Galloway Chronicles will need to see photos or we will be unable to clearly tell how occultalicious you might be.

Please keep it clean; some of us have strict vows of celibacy to maintain.

*or dead


Unknown said...

request a continuation of deadline...this important decision is taking a lot of time for me to choose carefully and wisely, not to mention the fact, I can't find any pictures that are not obscene...speaking of which, what strings did you pull to get a pic of a clothed Charles Fort?

Dr. Phil said...

I should like to nominate the following various folks:

1) bearfaerie on LJ
2) achadachad on LJ
3) erynn999 on LJ
4) jessicamelusine on LJ
5) janetswind on LJ
6) aristotimos on LJ
7) sannion on LJ
8) erl_queen on LJ
9) nancyblue on LJ
10) leodios on LJ
11) Jeremy M. R. F. Chesterfied-Pickles III
12) Bones the cat (see the film Trekkies)
13) Lao Tzu
14) Alan Moore
15) George Cecil Ives
16) Dr. Byron Orpheus